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​How to help

  • Lead by Example: Be a positive role model and take actions to help make positive change in your community.

  • Check with your local school district to see if you can pay for lunches for a student whose family may be mere dollars above the amount eligible for the free lunch program.

  • Offer to help someone learn to read.  Check with the local agencies of your county that offers free training for tutoring.  

  • Many local charities and schools have wish lists. They might even be available online. Obtain the wish list of a charity/school of your choice and always take it with you when you go shopping. Pick up an item from the wish list or several as you do your own shopping.

  • Consider volunteering time at an elementary school as a student tutor for the little kids.

  • Offer to teach computer classes for There is need for basic Excel, Word, email, etc.

  • Help those in our communities, churches, schools by giving motivation to the younger generation which helps greatly.

  • Checking with teachers you know to see if they need books for their kids would be a great thing to do.

  • If you have small children and they have friends over, make a point of offering to read a story (or two or three...) Kids love to be read to and your kids' friends may not have parents who read aloud. You could instill a love for reading just by taking a few minutes that might otherwise be spent on video games or watching a movie. And a love of reading goes a long way at school!

  • Do what you can to support adult education classes in your area. 




We are very thankful that we are able to continue to be a blessing. We are thankful to those that continue to support us financially. Your resources are much needed and greatly appreciated.

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